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Further Enquiries

General Enquiry
Email Phone Number WhatsApp
cpe-enquiry@vtc.edu.hk 2896 1112 2896 1112
Discipline / Department Name Email Phone Number Fax Number
Business Discipline Mr. Lau To Ming Garry garrylau@vtc.edu.hk 2727 9453 2727 9401
Childcare, Elderly and Community Services Discipline Dr. Heidi CHENG chenghiuping@vtc.edu.hk 2256 7753 2256 7460
Design Discipline Mr. Ronn LAW ronnlaw@vtc.edu.hk 3928 2078 N/A
Engineering Discipline Ms. Mavis LAM mavisl@vtc.edu.hk 2436 8380 N/A
Health and Life Sciences Discipline Ms. Carmen WONG carmenwong@vtc.edu.hk 2256 7107 2256 7111
Hotel, Service & Tourism Studies Discipline Mr. Leo LAU leopakting@vtc.edu.hk 2595 2591 2505 4225
Languages Discipline Ms. Carrie LEE carriel@vtc.edu.hk 2595 2622 2505 0685
Student Development Discipline Ms. Luka LAU luka@vtc.edu.hk 2835 7465 2835 7414
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong THEi Registry thei@vtc.edu.hk 2176 1456 /
3959 7110
2176 1550 /
3959 7123
The Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge Mr CHEUNG Ka Yin, Keith keithcheung@vtc.edu.hk 2836 1379 2572 7130
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology N/A hkiit-skillsup@vtc.edu.hk 2835 7403 N/A
VTC Tao Miao Institute Mr. Dan Chan danpkchan@vtc.edu.hk 2836 1898 2893 5879
Hotel and Tourism Institute N/A hti@vtc.edu.hk 2538 2200 2538 2765
Chinese Culinary Institute N/A cci@vtc.edu.hk 2538 2200 2538 2765
International Culinary Institute N/A ici@vtc.edu.hk 2538 2200 2538 2765
Maritime Services Training Institute Mr. CM WONG cmwong@vtc.edu.hk 3423 5106 2440 0308
Integrated Vocational Development Centre Mr. Patrick CHAN patrickchan@vtc.edu.hk 3719 6668 2274 7207
Pro-Act (Automobile) Mr. Alvin LEE alvin.lee@vtc.edu.hk 2494 4220 2487 0737
Pro-Act (Electrical) Ir. LEUNG Man Fai mfleung@vtc.edu.hk 2494 4215 2487 0281
Pro-Act (Electronics) Mr. Alex HON alexhon@vtc.edu.hk 3552 9546 2756 8804
Pro-Act (Fashion Textiles) Ms. Yonnie WONG yonniewong@vtc.edu.hk 2494 4280 2487 6330
Pro-Act (Gas) Mr. Ka Kit CHONG kkchong@vtc.edu.hk 2449 1397 2485 1899
Pro-Act (Jewellery) Ms. Clara LUK claraluk@vtc.edu.hk 3928 2378 3928 2470
Pro-Act (Mechanical) Mr. Chung WAN scwanga@vtc.edu.hk 2751 5840 2757 3940
Pro-Act (Precision Engineering) Mr. Chung WAN scwanga@vtc.edu.hk 2751 5840 2758 0895
Pro-Act (Printing) Mr. Ka Yiu AU YEUNG kttiayky@vtc.edu.hk 2751 5830 2756 0434
Pro-Act (Welding) Mr. Ka Kit CHONG kkchong@vtc.edu.hk 2449 1397 2481 2771