
The programme objectives of Certificate in Aseptic Dispensing for Pharmacy Staff are to:
(1) provide learners with profession-specific knowledge and skills in aseptic dispensing, together with the theory and principles of clean room design and standard operating procedure of equipment;
(2) equip learners with the necessary technical and professional knowledge and skills, at professional level, via the blending of theoretical knowledge and practical application; and
(3) develop a responsible and respectful attitude, a sense of accountability, sustainability and professional ethics to place the well-being of patients as the foremost priority in dispensing workplace practice.
On completion of the programme, learners will be able to:
(a) conduct preparatory tasks for aseptic dispensing and clean room operation;
(b) perform aseptic dispensing skills in preparation of both biohazard and non-biohazard parenteral products; and
(c) apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in aseptic dispensing, and the integration of theory with practice, so as to apply these principles more widely within a dispensing context.
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) or Approved Designated Venue
Hourly breakdown of contents:
- Theory and practice of pharmacy intravenous admixture services (8 hours)
Assessment items and their weightings:
- Continuous Assessment 100% (Assignment, Test, Workshop, etc)
(1) Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent with at least 1 year relevant work experience; or
(2) Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E/Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent with at least 1 year relevant work experience; or
(3) Holder of dispensing related certification/diploma or above and currently working in dispensing related industry.
You may apply an Online Application:
1. Press the “Apply Online” button at the right-top corner of this page
2. Complete the Online Application Form
3. Upload your academic qualifications and working experience proof
4. Settle the tuition fee by online credit card payment
Programme Enquiry: Mr FONG, Email: kfong@vtc.edu.hk Tel: 2595 8240