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最新課程/研討會 Vplus 創意專才
21 小時

Vplus Creative Industries

Government subsidy - Subsidise 60% tuition fee
Programme Objectives
Upon completion of the programme, learners are expected to be able to:
  • work effectively as an individual professional or in a team by employing problem solving skills and a broad range of fashion live streaming and visual material production;
  • integrate live streaming devices and their usage and control with fashion focus; and
  • set up a fashion live streaming event with control panel with effective support of visual materials and planning skills.
Programme Outlines
1. SKU Fashion Photography
  • Lighting Setup
  • Camera Setting
  • Product Shooting Techniques
  • Simple Retouching
2. Understanding and Use of Fashion Live Streaming Devices
  • Mobile phone operation
  • Camera types and usage
  • Lighting control
  • Contro panel operation
  • Visual Materials and settings
3. Practical Knowledge of Fashion Live Streaming Operation
  • Different types of fashion live streaming platforms and practices: facebook, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn Live
  • Introduction of OBS software to conduct fashion live streaming
4. Setting Up a Fashion Live Streaming with Control Panel


年滿二十一歲或以上及具兩年相關工作經驗 ; 或


  1. Press the “Apply Online” button at the right-top corner of this page
  2. Complete the Online Application Form
  3. Upload the supporting documents required (e.g. for academic qualifications and work experiences)
  4. Settle the tuition fee (by bill payment via online banking or ATM; or by a crossed cheque payable to “Vocational Training Council”)
  5. Submit the cheque or proof of the bill payment.
    • Bill Payment proof: ATM receipt or online payment confirmation (PDF or screencap; should include the bank name, payment status, transaction date, paid amount, and bill account code); can be submitted by email.
    • Cheque: write down your full name and the programme title on the back

Payment Methods and Bill Account Codes


Notes for Applicants:

  1. It is necessary for applicants to supply their personal data and to provide all the information required in the application documents, as otherwise, the Institute may be unable to process and consider their applications.
  2. To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong for employment or as dependants, who do not need prior approval before taking up part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to an HKDI programme/workshop does not guarantee the issue of a student visa. Applicants may wish to note that part-time courses are generally not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes.
  3. Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
  4. Early Bird Discount will be counted on the postmark date (for cheque) or the transaction date (for bill payment).
  5. Commencement of classes depends on enrollment or other unexpected circumstances. The Institute reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, programme content, mode of teaching, and other advertised programme information. The Institute also reserves the right to cancel a course if there is insufficient number of enrollments.
  6. The information provided in the form will be used by VTC for admission, academic and programme administration, research, statistical, and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes.
  7. Assignments and works of students (in any formats, e.g. photos, videos, printouts, etc; including activities in and outside the classroom) may be used for teaching and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes.


電話 / WhatsApp: 3928 2777
電郵: peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk


  • 網上報名
  • 持續專業發展課程
  • 新型工業化及科技培訓計劃
  • 普通話課程
  • 非華語人士中文課程
  • 最新課程/研討會
  • 持續進修基金課程
  • 職業英語課程
  • 國家普通話水平測試
  • Vplus 工程專才
  • Vplus 創意專才
  • Vplus 健康及生命科學專才