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最新課程/研討會 持續進修基金課程
有關課程開課日期資料,請聯絡2836 1922 | 高峰進修學院

Module Intended Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the module, learners are expected to be able to:

1. understand the characteristics and business motivations of digitalisation;
2. identify and manage the different management issues in digitalisation;
3. apply digitalisation technologies to support business decisions; and
4. appreciate the current technological development and its applications in business sectors.

Learning Contents:

1. The rise of digitalisation in business
2. Enabling technologies for digitalisation in business
3. Business analytics and decision making
4. Business application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning
5. Security and control
6. Management of digitalisation projects
7. Ethical and social issues
8. Technology trends and management challenges


Medium of Instruction
English supplemented with Cantonese


香港中學會考五科成績達E級 / 第二級或以上,包括英國語文、中國語文及數學,及具三年相關工作經驗










Entry Requirements:

  • Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages with 2 or more years' relevant full-time work experience; or 
  • Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E/Level 2 or above, including English* and Chinese Languages with 3 or more years' relevant full-time work experience; or 
  • Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Committee; or 
  • Relevant Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an admission interview; or 
  • Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Committee AND a pass in an admission interview.
[* Applicants who took HKCEE English Language in 2006 or before should have attained Grade E or above (Syllabus B) / Grade C or above (Syllabus A)] 
[Entry requirements for mature applicants are: Aged 23 years old or above with at least 2 years of relevant full-time work experience subject to a satisfactory admission interview.]

Continuing Education Fund

  • This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. The mother course (Professional Diploma in Business Management) of this module is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4)
  • CEF Course Code: 33Z137511
  • Reimbursement requirements: Eligible applicants can apply for fee reimbursement upon successful completion of each CEF reimbursable course, i.e. (i) met the minimum attendance requirement of 70% AND (ii) attained at least 40% of both overall Continuous Assessment and End-of-Module Assessment marks AND (iii) attained an overall mark of 50% or above. For details, please visit CEF Website at https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef .


[* Applicants who took HKCEE English Language in 2006 or before should have attained Grade E or above (Syllabus B) / Grade C or above (Syllabus A)] 
[Entry requirements for mature applicants are: Aged 23 years old or above with at least 2 years of relevant full-time work experience subject to a satisfactory admission interview.]

You may apply online. 
Alternatively, please use the specified enrollment form and follow the “Notes to Applicants” in the form to apply for programmes.
Applicants should show the Hong Kong Identity (HKID) Card / Passport / Travel Document / or valid study visa / entry permit for study issued by the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) for enrollment.
Individual programmes may have specific admission requirements. Applicants should refer to the admission requirements of the individual programmes.
All places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Incomplete forms and forms received without payment will not be processed.
Deadline for Application
The deadline for application is 7 working days## prior to the class commencement date (The enrollment deadline might be subject to change depending on the enrollment status).
Notification of Class Commencement
Successful applicants will be notified of the class confirmation and relevant information by the contact method specified on the enrollment form at least 3 working days## before class commencement. PEAK will not be responsible for the loss of class notification sent by mail. Please contact us at 2836 1906 if you do not receive the notification before the class commencement.
Programme Fees / Receipt
For a programme commencing within 7 working days## at the time of enrollment, students are required to settle the programme fee by cash or credit card at PEAK's Reception Counter
Programme fees paid are non-refundable, except for cases of unsuccessful applications and programme cancellation or rescheduling. Fees paid and places enrolled are also not transferable, and request for programme swapping will not be entertained.
Students will collect and sign to acknowledge collection of the receipts at the first lesson. Fees paid after the enrollment deadline may result in delay in receipt issuing. For those who have not collected the receipts during the first lesson, our staff will contact them for the receipt collection arrangement. If students choose to collect the receipt by mail, PEAK will not be responsible for any loss in mailing. Students will be required to pay an administrative charge of HK$100 for their requests for each additional receipt copy. Please send crossed cheque payable to “Vocational Training Council” with a written application to “The Programme Team” of the Institute. For enquiry, please contact us at 2836 1862.
## Working days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays)


Mr. Gary Leung (Programme Director)
Tel: 2836 1822

Ms. Natalie Yau (Programme Secretary)
Tel: 2919 1515

Fax: 2891 5707


  • 網上報名
  • 持續專業發展課程
  • 新型工業化及科技培訓計劃
  • 普通話課程
  • 非華語人士中文課程
  • 最新課程/研討會
  • 持續進修基金課程
  • 職業英語課程
  • 國家普通話水平測試
  • Vplus 工程專才
  • Vplus 創意專才
  • Vplus 健康及生命科學專才