小型無人機(進階) (DE424145Q Part A)
班號 | 開課日期 | 上課地點 | 教學語言 | 網上申請 | 備註 | 狀態 |
67146M-17-V01 | 2025.01.04 |
香港知專設計學院 |
主要為粵語,輔以英語 |
- 航空法規、出版物以及其他相關法律
- 飛行模擬訓練
- 香港空域知識
- 小型無人機常識、導航與量度單位
- 氣象學
- 模擬飛行訓練
- 飛行技巧與人為因素
- 操作手冊、飛行與程序策劃
- 多旋翼小型無人機基本飛行動作(實地練習)
- 小型無人機地面操作
- 常用飛行模式與不同種類小型無人機
- 學費: $11,440
- 早鳥報讀優惠 (9折): $10,296
- 補考 (筆試): $500
- 補考 (飛行評核): $1,500
粵語 (輔以英語) / 英語。筆記及評核試卷均為英語。
香港專業無人機協會創辦人Rex Ngan在無人機培訓方面擁有豐富經驗,,曾為多間機構提供無人機操作培訓,亦曾與大學合作研發無人機。他更是香港及亞洲區少數獲授權成為無人機培訓導師的人士之一。Rex自2003年起深入研究遙控飛機及機械運作,亦是香港最早零售及運用具GPS功能無人機的人士。
Rex Ngan至今累積超過3,000飛行小時,期間他一直為政府部門、電視台、建築商及大學等提供航拍、測量、製作3D模型等商業及培訓服務。
學員於評核取得合格及符合最低出席率要求,可獲發 Training Certificate,學員可憑此證書向民航處申請進階等級(Advanced Rating)。
申請人須持有民航處發出之有效遙控駕駛員證書,並作為遙控駕駛員在過去 12個月內有最少飛行兩小時的飛行日誌。詳情將於入學時通知。
- Press the “Apply Online” button at the right-top corner of this page
- Complete the Online Application Form
- Upload the supporting documents required (e.g. for academic qualifications and work experiences)
- Settle the tuition fee (by bill payment via online banking or ATM; or by a crossed cheque payable to “Vocational Training Council”)
- Submit the cheque or proof of the bill payment.
- Bill Payment proof: ATM receipt or online payment confirmation (PDF or screencap; should include the bank name, payment status, transaction date, paid amount, and bill account code); can be submitted by email.
- Cheque: write down your full name and the programme title on the back
Payment Methods and Bill Account Codes
Notes for Applicants:
- It is necessary for applicants to supply their personal data and to provide all the information required in the application documents, as otherwise, the Institute may be unable to process and consider their applications.
- To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong for employment or as dependants, who do not need prior approval before taking up part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to an HKDI programme/workshop does not guarantee the issue of a student visa. Applicants may wish to note that part-time courses are generally not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes.
- Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- Early Bird Discount will be counted on the postmark date (for cheque) or the transaction date (for bill payment).
- Commencement of classes depends on enrollment or other unexpected circumstances. The Institute reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, programme content, mode of teaching, and other advertised programme information. The Institute also reserves the right to cancel a course if there is insufficient number of enrollments.
- The information provided in the form will be used by VTC for admission, academic and programme administration, research, statistical, and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes.
- Assignments and works of students (in any formats, e.g. photos, videos, printouts, etc; including activities in and outside the classroom) may be used for teaching and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes.
電話 / WhatsApp: 3928 2777
電郵: peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk