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PDI - Legal Aspect of General Insurance (此課程內容只提供英文版本)

最新課程/研討會 持續進修基金課程
有關課程開課日期資料,請聯絡2836 1922 | 高峰進修學院


Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module, students are expected to be able to:

  • evaluate various business dispute resolution processes;
  • propose legal remedies and actions to clients by employing relevant principles and law of agency to insurance; and
  • apply the principles of contract law and law of tort related to general insurance in giving suggestions to the insured and the insurer


Learning Contents

  1. General principles of agency
  • Nature and creation of agency
  • Relationship between principal, agent and third parties
  • Nature of an agent's rights, responsibility, authority and duties
  • Termination of agency and the effects
  • Application of the law of agency to insurance, particularly the code of conduct for Licensed Insurance Agents and Brokers including the regulated activities, disciplinary penalties under Insurance Ordinance
  1. General principles of contract law
  • Formation of a contract
  • Terms of a contract
  • Invalid contract
  • Discharge of a contract
  • International Sales Contract
  • Law of bailment
  • Law of sale of goods & the supply of services (implied terms) Ordinance
  • Unconscious Contracts Ordinance
  • Contract (Right of Third Parties) Ordinance
  • Control of Exemption Ordinance and Trade Description Ordinance
  1. General principles of the law of tort
  • Classifications of torts
  • Tort of negligence
  • Defences to a claim in tort
  • Remedies in tort
  1. Resolving business disputes
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation


Entry Requirements:

  • Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages with 2 or more years relevant full-time work experience; or 
  • Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E/Level 2 or above, including English* and Chinese Languages with 3 or more years relevant full-time work experience; or 
  • Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Committee; or 
  • Relevant Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an admission interview; or 
  • Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Committee AND a pass in an admission interview.
[* Applicants who took HKCEE English Language in 2006 or before should have attained Grade E or above (Syllabus B) / Grade C or above (Syllabus A)] 
[Entry requirements for mature applicants are: Aged 23 years old or above with at least 2 years of relevant full-time work experience subject to a satisfactory admission interview.]






Legal Aspect of General Insurance (Module fromProfessional Diploma in Insurance)


Continuing Education Fund

The modules of “Professional Diploma in Insurance” (PDI) have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes (https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef). The mother course “Professional Diploma in Insurance” of the modules is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4).

For the modules commenced on or before 31 March 2022 (the 1st module should be commenced on or before the date), CEF claimants would be eligible for fee reimbursement upon their successful completion of any 4 modules selected from PDI (CEF Course Code: 33F11053A), with the fulfilment of both the minimum attendance requirement of 70% AND passing each of the 4 modules at 50% or above.

For the modules commenced on or after 16 August 2022, CEF claimants would be eligible for fee reimbursement upon their successful completion of any one module selected from PDI with the following CEF course codes, with the fulfilment of both the minimum attendance requirement of 70% AND passing the module at 50% or above.


CEF course code

(for the modules commenced after 16 August 2022)

CEF Course Title in English

(for the modules commenced after 16 August 2022)



Legal Aspect of General Insurance (Module from Professional Diploma in Insurance)



申請人於報名時必須出示由香港特別行政區(香港特區)入境事務處所簽發的香港身份證 / 護照 / 旅行證件、或有效的來港就讀簽證。


成功申請人將於開課前至少三個工作天##接獲本院以閣下指定的聯絡方法通知開課詳情。本院對因郵遞失誤而寄失的開課通知書,概不負責。如在開課前尚未接獲通知,申請人可致電本院查詢(電話:2836 1906)。

除學生之申請不獲接納或所選課程取消 / 改期外,所有已繳學費恕不退還。學費及學額亦不可作任何更改(包括不可轉班)或轉讓他人。
學生需於第一堂簽收收據,若學生於報名截止日後繳費,收據或會稍遲發出。本院會通知未簽收收據之學生領取收據的安排或將收據郵寄予學生。如學生要求以郵寄方式收取收據,本院對郵遞失誤概不負責。學生如要求本院發出收據副本證明,需以書面通知本院課程組,並需繳付港幣100元手續費。收據重發申請須以支票付款,抬頭為「職業訓練局」。查詢請致電2836 1862。

## 工作天(不包括星期六及星期日)

Mr. John Tsang (Programme Director)
Tel: 2836 1863
Email: johntsang@vtc.edu.hk

Ms. Ivy Chan (Programme Secretary)

Tel: 3974 3663

Email: ivychan@vtc.edu.hk

Fax: 2891 5707


  • 網上報名
  • 持續專業發展課程
  • 新型工業化及科技培訓計劃
  • 普通話課程
  • 非華語人士中文課程
  • 最新課程/研討會
  • 持續進修基金課程
  • 職業英語課程
  • 國家普通話水平測試
  • Vplus 工程專才
  • Vplus 創意專才
  • Vplus 健康及生命科學專才