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Operational Risk Management

最新課程/研討會 持續進修基金課程
工商管理, 保險
有關課程開課日期資料,請聯絡2836 1922 | 高峰進修學院

Module Intended Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the module, students are expected to be able to:

  1. diagnose and assess risks within and across operational areas in a wide range of organizations;
  2. devise approaches to handle and manage the identified operational risks; and
  3. evaluate the effectiveness of strategies for managing operational risks according to organizations’ specific requirements and the future trends of the business environment.

Learning Contents

  1. Operational risk management process

-  Organization model

-  Operation management

-  Integrating operational risk management into an operation’s culture

  1. Risk identification

-  Techniques like checklists, matrices, flow charts, HAZOPs, etc.

-  Risk survey of property and liability risk, of major operational exposures

-  Risk register

  1. Risk assessment and analysis

-  Subjective and objective assessment and analysis of identified risks

-  Modelling and measuring risk, including hazard indices, risk modelling and forecasting, use of statistical techniques and probability theory, etc.

  1. Operational risk handle and control techniques, including risk transfer and financing

-  Evaluation of operational risk control options, including cost-benefit analysis

-  Managing Specific types of risks, including projects, environment, information security and fraud, occupational health and safety, outsourcing, privacy, cyber, reputation, etc.


  1. Strategy for develop, implement and monitor operational treatment plans

-  Managing operational risk

-  Impact and critical issues in managing operational risk











Entry Requirements:

Applicants shall

  • hold a bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognised institution; and working full-time in related industries; OR
  • have achieved a level in relevant professional qualifications equivalent to a bachelor’s degree; and have one year of full-time work experience in related industries.
  • Applicants with other qualifications and three years of senior-level work experience in related industries will be considered on individual merits and subject to a satisfactory admission interview.


English Proficiency Requirements

If the bachelor’s degree is not from an institution where the language of teaching and assessment is English, or if the relevant professional qualifications are not awarded in Hong Kong nor an English speaking country, applicants shall provide the following evidence of English proficiency:

  • an overall band score of 6.5 in IELTS; or
  • a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or
  • equivalent qualifications.


Continuing Education Fund

  • This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. The mother course (Postgraduate Diploma in Insurance in Risk Management) of this module is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 6)
  • CEF Course Code: 33Z137287
  • Reimbursement requirements: CEF claimants would be eligible for fee reimbursement upon their successful completion of any of the module from Postgraduate Diploma in Insurance in Risk Management, with the fulfillment of both the minimum attendance requirement of 70% AND passing the module at 50% or above, subject to the prevailing CEF rules and procedures. For details, please visit CEF Website at https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef .

Please use the specified enrollment form and follow the "Notes to Applicants" in the form to apply for programmes.
Applicants should show the Hong Kong Identity (HKID) Card / Passport / Travel Document / or valid study visa issued by the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) for enrollment.
Individual programmes may have specific admission requirements. Applicants should refer to the admission requirements of the individual programmes.
All places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Incomplete forms and forms received without payment will not be processed.

Deadline for Application
The deadline for application is 7 working days## prior to the class commencement date (The enrollment deadline might be subject to change depending on the enrollment status).

Notification of Class Commencement
Successful applicants will be notified of the class information by the contact method specified on the enrollment form at least 3 working days## before class commencement. PEAK will not be responsible for the loss of class notification sent by mail. Please contact us at 2836 1906 if you do not receive the notification before the class commencement.

Programme Fees / Receipt
For a programme commencing within 7 working days## at the time of enrollment, students are required to settle the programme fee by cash.
Programme fees paid are non-refundable, except for cases of unsuccessful applications and programme cancellation or rescheduling. Fees paid and places enrolled are also not transferable, and request for programme swapping will not be entertained.
Students will collect and sign to acknowledge collection of the receipts at the first lesson. Fees paid after the enrollment deadline may result in delay in receipt issuing. For those who have not collected the receipts during the first lesson, our staff will contact them for the receipt collection arrangement. If students choose to collect the receipt by mail, PEAK will not be responsible for any loss in mailing. Students will be required to pay an administrative charge of HK$100 for their requests for each additional receipt copy. Please send crossed cheque payable to "Vocational Training Council" with a written application to "The Programme Team" of the Institute. For enquiry, please contact us at 2836 1862.

## Working days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays)

Mr. John Tsang (Programme Director)
Tel: 2836 1863
Email: johntsang@vtc.edu.hk

Mr. Arvin Lau (Programme Secretary)
Tel: 2919 1429
Email: arvinlau@vtc.edu.hk  


  • 網上報名
  • 持續專業發展課程
  • 新型工業化及科技培訓計劃
  • 普通話課程
  • 非華語人士中文課程
  • 最新課程/研討會
  • 持續進修基金課程
  • 職業英語課程
  • 國家普通話水平測試
  • Vplus 工程專才
  • Vplus 創意專才
  • Vplus 健康及生命科學專才