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Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)#

會計及財務, 工商管理
有關課程開課日期資料,請聯絡2836 1922 | 高峰進修學院

Applications are now open for Aug 2025 Intake!

Enjoy a Waiver of Application Fee * by Submitting your Application before the Application Deadline.
*Terms and conditions, please contact SHAPE for details.

Locally accredited by HKCAAVQ at QF Level 5 equivalent to the standing of local University degrees

This programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework.
QF Level: 5
QR Registration Number: 22/001014/L5
Validity Period: 1 February 2024 to 30 June 2028

Registration No. [Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance]: 251732

It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.

The Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) is a top-up degree programme offered by Coventry University and operated by SHAPE. It carries the same academic status and rights as that offered to Coventry University's on-campus graduates.

Coventry University – A Record of Excellence

  • The Guardian University Guide 2020
    • Coventry is ranked 15th
  • The Guardian University Guide 2020
    • Ranked 15th in Business, Management and Marketing Discipline
  • Times Higher Education UK (TEF) metrics ranking 2017 – Gold winner
    • 2nd for Teaching Excellence
  • Coventry University has been named 'University of the Year for Student Experience' in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2015, and 'Modern University of the Year' in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
  • In the quality assessments conducted by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), it has consistently received judgments of confidence in the management of the standard of its awards and in the quality of the learning opportunities available to students.
  • Coventry University is an evolving and innovative university with a growing reputation for excellence in education. It has been established for over 170 years.
  • “Excellent” range in teaching quality assessments conducted by the UK QAA, it has consistently received judgments of confidence in the management of the standard of its awards and in the quality of the learning opportunities available to students.

Internationally Recognised Degree

The degree is awarded by Coventry University in United Kingdom, and is monitored by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).

Student will be conferred the same award as on-campus students.

Programme Features:

Fast Completion

Complete in 14 months on a part-time basis.

Flexible Self-Study Hours

This programme adopts a sequential modular structure where you attend one to two lectures a week and handle just one module at a time. You can arrange your self-study more flexibly; and hence, retain your career advancement and earning power even during the study.

Programme Structure:









International Finance  


Contemporary Business Strategy 

CEF Code: 33Z128083


Critical Issues in Globalisation


Business Project



Project Management

CEF Code: 33Z129764


International Marketing



Entry Requirements :

(1) Graduates of the following feeder programmes:

(a) a VTC Professional Diploma in Business Management including the subject areas of management, economics, general statistics, business organisation, account and marketing, PLUS at least three years of relevant work experience; OR

(b) a VTC Higher Diploma in Business Administration; OR

(c) a VTC Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management; OR

(d) a relevant qualification equivalent to the above, i.e. a qualification pegged at HKQF Level 4 or equivalent, covering the relevant subject areas: accounting, business statistics, economics, management, marketing, and organisational management


(2) English language entry requirement:

(a) Applicants holding VTC Higher Diploma or Professional Diploma taught and assessed in English are considered to meet the relevant language requirement.

(b) Non-feeder applicants holding equivalent qualifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, e.g. a qualification pegged at the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 4 or equivalent, covering the relevant subject areas: accounting, business statistics, economics, management, marketing, and organisational management.

(c) Applicants who are not from the approved VTC feeder programmes should have successfully completed a Higher Diploma, Associate Degree or Professional Diploma taught and assessed in English from a recognised institution in Hong Kong or equivalent, or alternatively they should have attained a minimum overall IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent.



Info Seminar for Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) 

Date                            7 May 2025 (Wednesday)

Time                            6:30 pm - 7:30 pm                              

Delivery Mode            Online mode

Enquiries                    Mr. Alex Tsai  (2836 1852, cu_baa_baba@vtc.edu.hk)

Language                   Cantonese (Part of the content will be delivered in English)

Click here to register for the Info Seminar

Online application is avaliable here

The completed application forms together with (i) full sets of photocopies of certified
credentials including transcripts and certificates of awards and (ii) receipt of
application fee paid should be submitted online before the application deadlines.

Mr. Alex Tsai

Deputy Programme Coordinator

Tel: 2836 1852

# 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。有關註冊編號,請參閱本網站內的相關課程頁面。


  • 網上報名
  • 持續專業發展課程
  • 新型工業化及科技培訓計劃
  • 普通話課程
  • 非華語人士中文課程
  • 最新課程/研討會
  • 持續進修基金課程
  • 職業英語課程
  • 國家普通話水平測試
  • Vplus 工程專才
  • Vplus 創意專才
  • Vplus 健康及生命科學專才