Professional Diploma Meister in Power Electrical Engineering

Programme Aims
With the staunch support from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), industrial partners and stakeholders, the Programme has been successfully accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) pegged at QF Level 5. The Programme has made a significant breakthrough in the local Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) development and was developed as the second bespoke skill-based programme in Hong Kong with the aim of providing experienced power electrical engineering practitioners with an extended value-borne progression pathway for professional development. The Programme aims to nurture Power Electrical Meisters (aka Skills Masters/Industry Masters) who can demonstrate occupational, managerial and pedagogical competencies in the full range of power electrical specialisms.
Career Prospects
On completion of the Programme, graduates will typically go on to take senior roles in technical project and operation management within power electrical engineering contractor firms. The role of Meister sits at the apex of the technical leadership hierarchy below the role of lead project or design engineer.
Entry Requirements
Admission is on a competitive basis, with applicants judged on their ability to meet the entrance requirements of the Programme. The minimum entrance requirement of the Programme is summarised as follows:
i. Professional Qualification and Industry Experience:
• Grade B Registered Electrical Worker (REW) (Cap 406); and
• At least eight years of post-REW Grade B work experience;
ii. Academic Qualifications:
• A relevant Higher Diploma or Professional Diploma at QF Level 4, OR
• Qualification deemed equivalent by Faculty Board.
Mature applicants at the age of 35 or above and having a minimum of 15 years of power electrical work experience, in which not less than 5 years of REW Grade B work experience, may also be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants are required to pass an admission interview and provide their employer’s nomination for admission purpose.
Applicants can use the "Apply Online" function, which available from the programme website and login to the Online Enrolment System to submit their applications.
Tel: 2176-1505