Professional Certificate in Stack Web Development

In recent years, rather than hiring different coders, software engineers or designers, organizations favour experts who can perform multiple tasks. If an IT professional knows both back-end and front-end development skills, there is a greater chance of getting a job in the software development industry.
A Full Stack Developer will be a software engineer that designs and build mobile applications, web infrastructure and websites. They will build, test, troubleshoot, operate and optimize various tiers of a software solution from the frontend, to the backend, to the database and notwithstanding troubleshooting and testing. They are always able to switch between frontend and backend development based on the requirement of the project.
Course Structure
The course comprises the following modules:
Core Module
- Modern APIs Development (24 hours)
- Full-stack Web Development (24 hours)
- Serverless Applications Development on Cloud (24 hours)
Content cover:
NodeJS; VueJS; Serverless Development, Cloud Computing
Entry Requirements
Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, plus at least one year of relevant work experience; or
Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E / Level 2 or above, including English Language and Chinese Language, or equivalent
Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board plus at least one year of relevant work experience; or
Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above and a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; or
At least two years of relevant work experience plus other relevant verifiable prior learning that are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Board AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; or
21 years old or above with 2 years relevant working experience, may be admitted subject to passing an interview and / or aptitude test, if necessary
Financial Assistance Scheme
Classes are usually scheduled every Saturday