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Design Thinking Principles

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
Latest Courses / Seminars Vplus Creative Industries
Programme Code
Subject Area
Art & Design
Programme Type
Module Certificate
Offering Institution
Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
Contact Hours
12 Hour(s)
Please contact peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk for the details of class commencement date



香港知專設計學院 (HKDI)                       印刷科技研究中心 (APTEC)


課程編號: DCD4001Y    |    時數: 4堂共12小時    |    資歷架構級別: 第四級    |    課程對象: 中層印刷管理人



設計思維(Design Thinking)是一個以人為本的解決問題方法論,透過從人的需求出發,為各種議題尋求創新解決方案,並創造更多的可能性,設計思維是一個重視用戶分析的創新方法,適用於各行各業。此課程將會透過講解、互動和討論分析,導出設計思維的流程和效益,並輔以個案分析,令學員理解設計思維的應用。內容針對印刷中層管理人,學習制訂及帶領下屬有效地執行公司的發展計劃,達到管理層訂立的效益目標。






  1. 設計思維的基礎概念及其重要性
  2. 設計思維的原理和流程
  3. 如何使用設計思維制定發展計劃
  4. 設計思維在印刷業的應用和策略
  5. 設計思維在印刷業實際例子分享



  • 互動教學工作坊,包括理論講授、業界分享、討論及個案研究
  • 特別邀請業界高層管理人員於最後一節作專業分享,包括
    劉文邦先生, 宏亞印務有限公司董事總經理
    馮文清先生, 精聯印刷有限公司總經理




1. 「設計思維證書(設計思維基本原則單元)」

    • 由香港知專設計學院專業促進中心(HKDI-PEEC) 頒發

    • 必須於學科功課評核獲40%分數或以上,及出席率達課程時數70%或以上 (即是必須完成最少三節)


2. 「設計思維基本原則聽講證書」

    • 由香港知專設計學院傳意設計研究中心及印刷科技研究中心共同頒發

    • 出席率達課程時數70%或以上 (即是必須完成最少三節)




日期: 2022年12月2、9、16日及2023年1月6日

時間: 逢星期五,晚上7:00至10:00

地點: 香港知專設計學院

學費: 學員可以個人名義申請「Vplus創意專才」資助,畢業學員可獲發還60%已繳學費

  • 原價: $3,600
  • 「Vplus創意專才」資助後實際費用: $1,440 (節省$2,160)




(i)            香港中學會考五科(包括英國語文及中國語文)達E級/第二級或以上,或同等學歷;或

(ii)           香港中學文憑考試五科(包括英國語文及中國語文) 達第二級或以上或同等學歷; 或

(iii)          年滿21歲或以上,並具有最少兩年相關工作經驗


HKDI reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, course content and advertised course information.


Entry Requirements

Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E / Level 2 or above, including English Language and Chinese Language, or equivalent
Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above including English Language and Chinese Language, or equivalent
21 years old or above with 2 years relevant working experience

Application Procedures

1. Complete the Application Form (Online)

2. Upload the copy of proof for Academic Qualifications

3. Upload the copy of proof for Working Experience

4. Settle the fees:

  1. Upload the copy of proof of tuition fee payment, i.e. ATM transaction receipt / Online banking transaction confirmation during online application; or email the proof to peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk
  2. Submit a crossed cheque payable to “Vocational Training Council” to our office by post or in person. Your full name, the course title and code should be written on the back of the cheque.

Payment Methods

Remarks: Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferrable.


Notes to Applicants:

1) Applicants must be permanent residents of Hong Kong; or have the right of residence and receive education in Hong Kong.

2) No applicant will be deemed to be an enrolled student of the Institute until such time as his/her application has been processed by the Institute and full payment of fees has been cleared at the Bank. Postdated cheque is not acceptable.

3) Fee paid is non-refundable unless the course is cancelled.

4) Early Bird Discount will be counted on the postmark date (for cheque) or the transaction date (for ATM).

5) The Institute reserves the right to make any alterations to the courses that are considered to be necessary without prior notice (e.g. changes in teaching venues, time, instructors or tuition fee, etc.). The Institute also reserves the right to cancel a course if the enrollment is insufficient.

Our office address:
LW004, Hong Kong Design Institute, 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O.


Tel: 3928 2777
Email: peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk

Online Email Enquiry

Icon Description
Icon Description:
  • Apply Online
  • Continuing Professional Development
  • New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme
  • Putonghua Course
  • Chinese Courses for Non-Chinese Speakers
  • Latest Courses / Seminars
  • Continuing Education Fund
  • Vocational English Programmes
  • Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi
  • Vplus Engineering
  • Vplus Creative Industries
  • Vplus Health and Life Sciences