Creative Mural (Art, ESG and SDG)

*ESG (環境、社會及管治)
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) 是企業用來評估其在這三個領域表現的框架,以衡量企業的永續發展狀況。
*SDG (可持續發展目標)
聯合國全體成員國在2015年通過了可持續發展目標(SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals),以消除貧窮、減少不平等,並在2030年之前建立更和平及繁榮的社會。SDGs也被稱為全球目標 (Global Goals),呼籲各人採取行動,創造一個可持續發展的世界。
- 壁畫的歷史、風格與技法
- 創意設計與框架
- 小型壁畫創作,由設計到完成的全過程
- 環保材料與未來趨勢
- 壁畫與社區關懷
- 車繪
出席率達70%或以上,可獲頒「完成證書」(Certificate of Completion)。
Joe YIU 姚俊傑
藝術家及室內設計師,英國創意藝術大學藝術碩士。現任香港壁畫協會會長,Creative Master Group 藝術總監,Y's Concept Limited 創意總監。Joe 致力於室內設計和藝術創作,尤其擅長將兩者融合,在壁畫創作領域成就斐然,作品涵蓋酒店、公共空間、零售機構、學校和住宅等多元場域。
Joe曾榮獲多項殊榮,包括「香港印製大獎金獎 (2024)、世界最大3D地畫世界紀錄」(2023)(其於2019年創作的44,500平方英尺3D地畫)、"40 under 40" 四十驕子最具影響力的亞洲年輕設計師 (2019)、最具影響力華人設計師 (2018)、最具影響力華商品牌 (2018)、青年夢想實踐家 (2017)、香港智營設計大賞金獎及評審獎 (2017)及DFA亞洲最具影響力設計大獎優異獎 (2017) 、英國文化協會頒發全球24位傑出國際學生獎 (2009)等。
Joe 畢業於香港插圖藝術學院,主修插畫和西方藝術,並以第一名畢業於香港大一藝術設計學院-環境與室內設計系。他在2009年獲得英國創意藝術大學藝術與設計碩士學位,在學期間榮獲傑出國際學生獎學金。
Entry Requirements
Suitable for applicants who are interested in this course
- Press the “Apply Online” button at the right-top corner of this page
- Complete the Online Application Form
- Upload the supporting documents required (e.g. for academic qualifications and work experiences)
- Settle the tuition fee (by bill payment via online banking or ATM; or by a crossed cheque payable to “Vocational Training Council”)
- Submit the cheque or proof of the bill payment.
- Bill Payment proof: ATM receipt or online payment confirmation (PDF or screencap; should include the bank name, payment status, transaction date, paid amount, and bill account code); can be submitted by email.
- Cheque: write down your full name and the programme title on the back
Payment Methods and Bill Account Codes
Notes for Applicants:
- It is necessary for applicants to supply their personal data and to provide all the information required in the application documents, as otherwise, the Institute may be unable to process and consider their applications.
- To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong for employment or as dependants, who do not need prior approval before taking up part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to an HKDI programme/workshop does not guarantee the issue of a student visa. Applicants may wish to note that part-time courses are generally not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes.
- Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- Early Bird Discount will be counted on the postmark date (for cheque) or the transaction date (for bill payment).
- Commencement of classes depends on enrollment or other unexpected circumstances. The Institute reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, programme content, mode of teaching, and other advertised programme information. The Institute also reserves the right to cancel a course if there is insufficient number of enrollments.
- The information provided in the form will be used by VTC for admission, academic and programme administration, research, statistical, and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes.
- Assignments and works of students (in any formats, e.g. photos, videos, printouts, etc; including activities in and outside the classroom) may be used for teaching and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes.
Tel: 3928 2777