Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Technologist

The certificate in Artificial Intelligence Technologist covers fundamentals of AI and Deep Learning, identifying model types, selecting suitable algorithms for problem-solving, and implementing AI/Deep Learning projects.
On completion of the module, learners are expected to be able to:
⦁ identify the fundamental techniques and tools for building Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning applications
⦁ identify different types of deep learning models
⦁ evaluate and select appropriate deep learning algorithms for solving different types of problems
⦁ apply the appropriate skill in the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning project
Date: 2/Jul, 4/Jul, 9/Jul, 11/Jul (Tue & Thu)
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
Financial Assistance Scheme
The Lifelong Learning Subsidy is eligible for the graduates of Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies / Foundation Diploma, Diploma of Vocational Education / Diploma in Vocational Education, Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate and Diploma Yi Jin / Yi Jin Diploma programmes offered by the VTC.
Applicants have to apply the course via the Lifelong Learning Mobile App/Platform, please visit the following website for details:
VTC Lifelong Learning
Please press 'Apply Online' button above
Application deadline: 16 Jun 2024 (Sun)
Notification of Class Commencement Successful applicants will be notified of the class information by the contact method specified on the enrollment form at least 3 working days before class commencement.
⦁ Applicants who fulfil the entry requirements will receive a payment notice later. Applications are not required to pay the tuition at this moment.
⦁ In general, course enrollment is made on a first-come-first-served basis.
⦁ Subject to the availability of the classes, applicants will be informed to change to another class if the applied class was full.
⦁ Any change in class selection will be put on the waiting list.
(Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00)
Website: hkiit.edu.hk
Enrollment and Enquiry:
Tel: 2835-7403
e-mail: hkiit-skillsup@vtc.edu.hk