Certificate in Design Thinking for Aviation and Logistics Management

Date of Commencement :
Please refer to the Programme Leaflet [Download Here]
Medium of Instruction:
Programme will be conducted in English, with English Teaching and Learning Packages supplemented with Chinese terminologies.
Entry Requirements
The general minimum entry requirements are as follows:
- One year work experience; or currently employed in relevant industry; and
- Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; or
- Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E/Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent ; or
- Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board; or
- Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; or
- Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by the respective Programme Board AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written.
For Mature Applicants
Applicants who are aged 21 or above on 1 September of the year of application and do not meet the minimum entrance requirements may apply through the mature applicant route. Applicants choosing to apply through this route must demonstrate sufficient motivation, knowledge and potential to indicate a higher probability of being able to complete the programme successfully. Where appropriate, the applicant may be required to pass an entrance assessment, which can be in an oral and/or written form.
Entry Requirements
18 years old or above with relevant working experience
Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board; or
Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above and a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; or
Mature applicants, i.e. those aged 21 or above with at least 2 years’ relevant working experience
CEF Course NameCertificate in Design Thinking for Aviation and Logistics Management
CEF Effective Date2022.01.11
Valid CEF Until2026.01.10
This Programme is registered with the Office of the Continuing Education Fund (OCEF) as a CEF reimbursable course
Please refer to the Programme Leaflet [Download Here]
Please contact our programme leader Mr. Jacky Wong for programme details.
Email: jackywong@vtc.edu.hk
Tel: 2708-6401
Online Email Enquiry
Programme Recommendation

Art & Design
Professional Certificate
Tel / WhatsApp: 3928 2777
Email: peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk