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Certificate in Tree Risk Assessment

IVE - Health and Life Sciences Discipline
Latest Courses / Seminars Continuing Education Fund Vplus Health and Life Sciences
Programme Code
Subject Area
Health and Life Sciences
Programme Type
Offering Institution
IVE - Health and Life Sciences Discipline
Contact Hours
QF Level
QF Credits
QF Registration No.
QF Registration Validity Period
Please contact 3127 7304 | IVE - Health and Life Sciences for the details of class commencement date

課程內容 :

1. 根據相關指引進行樹木風險評估

2. 運用目測法及簡單輔助工具執行樹木檢驗

3. 編寫各種緩減及護理方案

Entry Requirements

- Completion of S6 under the new academic structure/S5 under the old academic structure, or equivalent, AND at
least 1.5 years’ relevant tree work experience; or
- Completion of a QF Level 2 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board AND at least 1.5 years’ relevant tree work experience; or
- Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or at least 3 years’ relevant tree work experience that is/are deemed
appropriate by respective Programme Board AND pass in an entrance assessment , which can be either oral or
written; AND
- HKDSE English at Level 2 or above or HKCEE English* at Grade E/Level 2 or above, or equivalent; or
- Applicants may be required to attend and pass in an entrance assessment on their English language

Financial Assistance Scheme

此課程現正申請城市林務發展基金學習資助認可課程,有關結果有待公佈。有關學習資助申請資格及須知,請參閱以下網址。30 歲以上申請人的學習資助將以配額形式提供,申請表、遴選準則及機制將會發放給成功入讀課程之申請人。 如申請人就此課程成功申請資助,資助後之課程費用為HK$1,900,申請人將於完成課程及符合相關條件後獲城市林務發展基金發放資助金額。


** 申請人需提交中六(新學制)/中五(舊學制)學歷(中六(新學制)/中五(舊學制)課程乙英國語文成績達第二級/E 級或以上或同等學歷)及相關工作證明副本

請將填妥的報名表、學歷及相關工作證明副本連同劃線支票 (抬頭請寫「職業訓練局」或「Vocational Training Council」)寄回新界沙田馬鞍山恆康街2 號 耀安邨 匯縱專業發展中心(馬鞍山)– 李嘉敏女士收。信封面請註明「樹木風險評估證書」。


馮劍勇先生 (電話:2256-7113  電郵: terrykyfung@vtc.edu.hk)

李嘉敏女士(電話:3519 1732 電郵:vickylee@vtc.edu.hk)


Online Email Enquiry

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  • Apply Online
  • Continuing Professional Development
  • New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme
  • Putonghua Course
  • Chinese Courses for Non-Chinese Speakers
  • Latest Courses / Seminars
  • Continuing Education Fund
  • Vocational English Programmes
  • Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi
  • Vplus Engineering
  • Vplus Creative Industries
  • Vplus Health and Life Sciences