Tree Risk Assessment Course with Assessment (THEi TRACA)

The course aims to follow a systematic step-by-step process to identify the risk of trees independently and professionally, to obtain and analyse information to make informed judgement and recommendations including the methodologies to mitigate the identified risks and evaluate the residue risk after the completion of the suggested mitigation measures. It develops participants’ abilities to gather suitable information to carry out systematic tree risk assessment with appropriate techniques and tools, and to implement site inspection of trees, and to suggest reasonable judgements and record remedial measures to mitigate risk for the trees concerned. An integrated assessment will strengthen the participants' understanding on the issue.
- Tree physiology
- Branch attachment
- Tree wound and compartmentalization
- Wood science and tree stability (Wood material, tree geometry, loads)
- Symptoms of mechanical defects
- Tree stress factor in Hong Kong
- Common abiotic and biotic disorders
- Major fungal decay in Hong Kong
- Tree decay detected by basic visual and advanced diagnostic assessment
- Pruning: Formative pruning, crown reduction
- Tree support system: cabling, bracing, support frame
- Legal framework and responsibilities for stakeholder
- Land allocation and tree stock
- Tree Risk Management Zones
- Safety practice, PPE and insurance
- Principle and methodology of tree risk assessment
- Different types & levels of risk assessments, target assessment, site assessment, risk categorization risk rating and evaluation
- Prioritizing resources for high risk and valuable trees
- Area Basis, Triage System, Tree Basis Assessment, Sensitivity Analysis
- Salient points for Form 1 and Form 2
- Triage System for TRA dummy practice
- Field techniques for tree data collection and assessment (for both Form 1 and Form 2)
- Recording, reporting and photo-taking guideline
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for attending this course, applicants should fufill either ONE of the following requirements:
• Completion of relevant QF level 5 program AND at least one year’s relevant full time work experience*; or
• Completion of relevant QF level 4 program AND at least three years’ relevant full time work experience*; or
• Other prior academic qualification at QF level 4 or above AND at least five years’ relevant full time work experience* AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written.
* Relevant working experience are: Tree care / Horticulture /Landscape management (part-time work could be accepted while the duration should be doubled)
Class Date
Attendance Requirement
The minimum attendance requirement is 70% (14 hours), where at least 7.5 hours of lecture and at least 4.5 hours of field practical, and 2 hours of assessment, of which attendance in both written examination (at least 1 hour) and field practical assessment (at least 1 hour) is mandatory.
Reassessment Policy
If participant fails in the assessment, there will be a reassessment fee of $1,500 (per attempt) up to one year from the original date of your assessment. Participant needs to be reassessed in the specific part(s) of the assessment in which he/she fails. Reassessment fee is the same for either taking Written Examination or Field Practical Assessment or BOTH. If participant cannot obtain “Pass” in BOTH Written Examination and Field Practical Assessment within one year from the original date of assessment, he/she will need to enrol in the course again.
Medium of Instruction
English supplemented with Chinese terms which teaching and assessment materials in English.
Programme Fee
Eligible VTC and THEi alumni can enjoy up to HK$1,000 discount of course fee sponsored by the Lifelong Learning Subsidy. For details, please visit
Study Sponsorship Scheme
This course is covered by the Study Sponsorship Scheme ('the Scheme') under the Urban Forestry Support Fund which established by the Greening Landscape and Tree Management Section, Development Bureau. For details of the Scheme, please click HERE for information.
THEi reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course, revise course title, content or change the class venue(s) or offering mode before class commencement if circumstances so warrant. Students will be duly informed of such arrangement.
You may submit an Online Application:
1. Press the “Apply Online” button at the right-top corner of this page
2. Complete the Online Application Form
3. Successful applicants will receive individual notifications by email for collecting supporting documents and the details of payment arrangement.
**Only applicants who fulfilled the entry requirement and provided all relevant supporting documents for verification will be considered as admitted
You may submit your online application via Lifelong Learning Web Portal (
Application Deadline: 2 March 2025 23:59pm
Hotline: 2176 1505