
In recent years, rather than hiring different coders, software engineers or designers, organizations favour experts who can perform multiple tasks. If an IT professional knows both back-end and front-end development skills, there is a greater chance of getting a job in the software development industry.
A Full Stack Developer will be software engineers that design and build mobile applications, web infrastructure and web sites. They will build, test, troubleshoot, operate and optimize various tiers of a software solution from frontend, to backend, to the database and notwithstanding troubleshooting and testing. They are always able to switch between frontend and backend development based on the requirement of the project.
Course Structure
The course comprises of the following modules:
Core Module
- NoSQL Data Solution (24 hours)
- Elementary Cross-platform Mobile Applications Development (30 hours)
- User Experience Enhancement for Applications (18 hours)
香港中学文凭试五科成绩达第二级或以上,包括英国语文、中国语文,及具一年相关工作经验; 或
香港中学会考五科成绩达E级 / 第二级或以上,包括英国语文及中国语文或同等学歴,及具两年相关工作经验; 或
完成获「课程委员会」认可的「资历架构」第3级别之相关证书课程,及具一年或以上相关的工作经验; 或
持有「资历架构」第3级别或以上「过往资历认可」资格并通过面试或笔试; 或
最少具两年或以上相关的工作经验,及其他持有认可及可核证之过往学习并通过面试或笔试; 或