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Application Form for Vplus Engineering

步驟: Steps:
Fill Information
Confirm & Submit



*網上報讀課程用戶如欲使用Vplus 網上查閱系統查閱申請結果及學費退還紀錄,請填寫與報讀課程系統相同的電郵地址。 * Please use the same email address as the Programme Registration System if you want to enable the Vplus Enquiry System for the application result and reimbursement records.


高級文憑: 申請人須於相關課程的第一學期開課日至10月31日內透過網址遞交申請。 Higher Diploma: Applicants should apply via the website within the commencement of the first semester for the programme concerned to 31 October.
專業文憑/專業證書/文憑/證書: 申請人須於相關課程的第一學期開課日起一個月內透過網址遞交申請。 Professional Diploma/Professional Certificate/Diploma/Certificate: Applicants should apply via the website within one month from the commencement of the first semester for the programme concerned.
過早或逾期呈交之申請,恕不受理。 Too early or late application will not be processed.

是否首次入讀上述課程? Are you newly enrolled onto the above programme for the first time?

有否就上述課程申請,或將會申請任何政府或僱主的補助或資助,包括以下項目? Have you applied for OR Will you apply for any other forms of government subsidy or financial assistance, or subsidy from your employer, including the following, for the same programme?
Yes No Subsidy / Financial Assistance 資助/補助
Continuing Education Fund (CEF) 持續進修基金 (CEF)
Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) 擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃 (ENLS)
Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) 再工業化及科技培訓計劃 (RTTP)
Maritime and Aviation Training Fund 海運及空運人才培訓基金
Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) 建造業創新科技基金 (CITF)
Any other forms of government subsidy or financial assistance 任何其他政府的補助或資助
Employer’s subsidy 僱主資助

是否上述課程的註冊學徒? Are you Registered Apprentices (RA) for the above programme?




  • 銀行帳戶號碼須為10至12位數字(不包括銀行編號),請儘量提供滙豐銀行/恒生銀行/中國銀行(香港)有限公司的銀行帳戶。
  • 申請人必須是該帳戶的唯一持有人。
  • 申請人於該帳戶所使用的姓名必須與申請人香港身份證上的姓名完全相同。
  • 信用卡帳戶、定期存款帳戶、外幣存款帳戶或貸款帳戶均不適用於此項轉帳。

Reimbursement will be made by direct credit to the saving / current account nominated by the applicant for receipt of the reimbursement.

In order to successfully deposit the reimbursement into the applicant's bank account, please pay attention to the following items:

  • The bank account number must be between 10 to 12 digits (excluding bank code), providing bank account of HSBC / Hang Seng Bank / Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited is highly recommended.
  • Applicant must be the sole account holder.
  • The name of the bank account must be exactly the same as the name on the HKID Card.
  • Credit card accounts, fixed deposit accounts, foreign currency accounts and loans accounts are not acceptable for direct credit of reimbursement.
If the refund cannot be deposited automatically by bank transfer to the applicant's designated bank account, the applicant must go to the Vplus Office to collect the relevant cheque.

(e.g. 存摺/月結單)
*The copy must show Account Name and Account Number clearly
(e.g. Passbook/Bank Statement)

申請人須知 Notes for Applicants

    一般須知General Information

  1. 職業訓練局 (VTC) 獲香港特區政府撥款,推出「Vplus工程專才」,向就讀VTC指定自資兼讀制專業課程的學生提供學費資助;計劃旨在鼓勵在職人士爭取更高學歷,協助他們發展事業,並同時提升香港的職業專才訓練,及相關專業人才水平。計劃於2019/20學年9月起推行,為期五年。 To encourage working adults to pursue higher qualifications for career advancement, and to promote vocational and professional education and training (VPET) in Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council (VTC) has obtained funding from HKSAR to launch the Vplus Engineering for providing students with tuition fee subsidy for their study of the specialized part-time programmes offered by VTC. The Scheme will be implemented as from September 2019 for five cohorts of students admitted starting from 2019/20 academic year.

  2. 在這項計劃下獲學費資助的VTC兼讀制自資課程涵蓋建築及工程學科。這些課程經香港學術及職業資歷評審局評定屬資歷架構第三至第五級別,不包括副學士學位及學士學位課程;以及在香港資歷名冊的學習/培訓範疇下屬“建築及城市規劃”或“工程及科技”類別。 Under Vplus Engineering, programmes eligible for the tuition fee subsidy are part-time self-financed programmes in the disciplines of Engineering and Construction offered by VTC. These programmes are accredited at Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 3 to Level 5 by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), excluding Associate Degree and bachelor’s degree programmes, and under the areas of study/training in “Architecture and Town Planning” or “Engineering and Technology” under the classification of the Hong Kong Qualifications Register (QR).

    合資格課程名單 (http://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus-engineering) List of Eligible Programmes (http://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus-engineering)

  3. 申請資格Eligibility for Application

  4. 參與計劃申請資助的人士,須符合下列所有條件,方合資格- Under the Scheme, eligible applicants for the subsidy should meet all the following criteria:
    1. 持香港永久性居民身分證; holder of Hong Kong Permanent Resident Identity Card;

    2. 首次成功入讀由職業訓練局提供的指定相關自資兼讀制課程(合資格課程詳列於網址http://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus-engineering); 及 has newly and successfully enrolled for the first time into the designated self-financing part-time programme offered by VTC (list of eligible programmes can be found at website http://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus-engineering); and

    3. 從未就同一項課程申請或獲得任何政府或僱主的補助或資助,例如但不限於,在職家庭及學生資助事務處管理的「持續進修基金」/「擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃」,/「再工業化及科技培訓計劃」,/「海運及空運人才培訓基金」,或「建造業創新科技基金」等。 for the same VTC part-time programme, has not applied for or been granted any other form of government subsidy or financial assistance or subsidy from your employer, for example, but not limited to“Continuing Education Fund (CEF)” or “Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)” administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency, “Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme”, "Maritime and Aviation Training Fund" or “Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)” etc.

  5. 資助金額及發放安排Level and Payment of the Subsidy

  6. 獲批資助的申請人可獲退還合資格課程60%的學費,上限為每人45,000元。 在計劃下,申請人最多可申請退還兩個合資格課程的學費。學費會分期於申請人圓滿修畢一個學期的課程後退還,每期發放的金額會根據申請人於該學期取得及格成績的單元所實際繳付之學費計算。資助計劃不會為個別課程預設限額,並會按先到先得的方式提供資助。 Successful applicants will be refunded 60% of the tuition fees paid, subject to a maximum of $45,000 per person. Applicants may apply for fee refund for not more than two eligible programmes. The tuition fee will be reimbursed by instalments at the end of each semester of the programme upon successful completion. The amount of reimbursement for each instalment will be calculated based on the actual tuition fee paid for the modules which the applicant has successfully completed with passed result in that semester. Refund will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis with no pre-set quota for individual programmes.

  7. 發還的款項於每年四月、八月及十月發放,一般會直接存入成功申請人指定接收款項的銀行戶口。 Payment will be made to successful applicants in April, August and October of each academic year, normally by direct credit to the bank account nominated by the applicant.

  8. 申請手續Procedures for Application

  9. 高級文憑: 申請人須於相關課程的第一學期開課日至10月31日內透過網址(https://cpe.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus/engineering) 遞交申請。 Higher Diploma: Applicants should apply via the website (https://cpe.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus/engineering) within the commencement of the first semester for the programme concerned to 31 October.
    專業文憑/專業證書/文憑/證書: 申請人須於相關課程的第一學期開課日起一個月內透過網址(https://cpe.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus/engineering) 遞交申請。 Professional Diploma/Professional Certificate/Diploma/Certificate: Applicants should apply via the website (https://cpe.vtc.edu.hk/admission/vplus/engineering) within one month from the commencement of the first semester for the programme concerned.
    逾期或未有呈交香港身分證及銀行帳户資料副本的申請,恕不受理。 Late applications or applications without copy of applicants’ Hong Kong Identity Card will not be processed.

  10. 每份申請表只可申請一項合資格課程。 Each application should cover only one eligible programme.

  11. 在有需要時,VTC會要求申請人就所填報的資料提供補充資料或作出解釋,以便進一步處理有關申請。 Applicant may be required to verify the information submitted or to provide additional information necessary for processing the application further.

  12. 申請結果一般會於個別截止申請日起約兩個月後公布。 Application result will be announced normally two to three months after the respective application deadlines.

  13. 收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement

  14. 申請人於申請表及聲明書所填報的個人資料,將作下列用途: The personal data provided in the application and declaration will be used for the following purposes:
    1. 處理及覆查一切有關就Vplus工程專才的發還學費申請之各項事務及相關活動,包括但不限於向在職家庭及學生資助事務處(學資處)查證及索取申請人領取或申請「持續進修基金」或「擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃」的詳細資料;及 for all activities related to processing and counter-checking of applications for tuition fee refund under the Vplus Engineering, including but not limited to obtaining detail information of applications and results under the “Continuing Education Fund” and “Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme” operated by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency ;

    2. 索取申請人在職業訓練局轄下院校及中心的就讀的紀錄,包括考試或考核成績及繳費資料;及 for obtaining study records, examination results and payment records under the programmes provided by VTC member institutions;

    3. 索取及核對申請人於「再工業化及科技培訓計劃」的申請紀錄;及 for obtaining and checking of application records under "Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme"; and

    4. 索取及核對申請人「海運及空運人才培訓基金」的申請紀錄;及 for obtaining and checking of application record under "Maritime and Aviation Training Fund"; and

    5. 索取及核對申請人有關「註冊學徙」的申請紀錄;及 for obtaining and checking of application record under "Registered Apprentices" offered by VTC; and

    6. 向建造業議會索取及核對申請人於「建造業創新科技基金」的申請紀錄;及 for obtaining and checking of application record under " Construction Innovation and Technology Fund" operated by Construction Industry Council; and

    7. 統計與研究用途 for statistics and research

  15. 職業訓練局會對申請人的資料絕對保密,但可就上文第10段所述的目的,或在法例授權或規定下,將申請人的個人資料,向特區政府的政策局/部門,或對本局有保密承諾的任何人士或其代表披露。 VTC undertakes to keep personal data provided by applicants confidential. However, for the purposes mentioned in point 10 above, or where the disclosure is authorized and required by law, applicants’ personal information may be disclosed to Government policy bureau and departments, or other persons or agents under a duty of confidentiality to VTC

  16. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權要求查閱和改正申請表上的個人資料。申請人必須提供足夠資料予職業訓練局以識別身份,否則本局有權拒絕上述要求。 In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data supplied in their applications. Sufficient information will need to be provided to establish identity; otherwise VTC will refuse to comply with the request.

  17. 申請人如欲查閱或改正個人資料,須以書面形式提出,地址如下:
    • Vplus辦事處
    • 香港專業教育學院(青衣分挍)
    • 青衣島青衣路20號B322室
    Enquiries related to or requests for access / correction of personal data provided in the application should be made in writing to:
    • Vplus Office
    • IVE (Tsing Yi)
    • Room B322, 20 Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi, N.T.

  18. 職業訓練局保留權利收取查閱資料所需行政費用。 In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, VTC reserves the right to charge a fee for the processing of data access request.

丁部      聲明書PART D     DECLARATION

本人現謹此聲明:I declare that: